About Me

I am here in Togo living and working as a pediatric nurse on the Africa Mercy. We'll be here until the middle of August providing free surgeries for the people of Togo.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Here I am in Texas finishing up a week of learning about Mercy Ships. And just now, this very moment, I am learning about making a blog so all y'all (also learnt that recently) can follow me on my journey. And yes, I will be going to Africa -in February, to join the Africa Mercy. For anyone who hasn't heard of Mercy Ships, check out their website at www.mercyships.com. Before I came I felt certain that God was calling me to go. Now I am... well, I guess, even more giddy about the fact that God is calling me. 'Till next time.


  1. Anna... I am so excited for you! Looking forward to reading your blog and hear about all that the Lord is doing in you and through you! Hugs!!!!!

  2. Very wonderful to hear this news, Anna!
    God bless you each step of the way. We'll look forward to following you on here. Thanks for blogging!

  3. Thank you ladies. You two are so techno-savy. I don't think my mom even knows I have a blog yet. I'll have to call her.. on the home phone because her cell phone still isn't as mobile as the name suggests :)
