About Me

I am here in Togo living and working as a pediatric nurse on the Africa Mercy. We'll be here until the middle of August providing free surgeries for the people of Togo.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

"Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you." -Jesus

My training here in Texas is called Gateway. We are, like these sheep, standing at the gate, literally pregnant with hope and promise, with eagerness for the path ahead. My classmates each have their own stories, their own path, but for now, here, we are easily and joyfully woven together. Each in our own way we have been asking, seeking, knocking. And here we are, standing together in front of the same door grinning at each other while we wait and prepare because we know there are good, good things behind this door.

Waiting, and grinning... and learning how to fight fires, and how to catch a lamb by the tail (thanks to my new Irish farmer friend). My Danish friend showed me how to lure in ewes for kisses, but I haven't practiced that yet. And we all learned how to save Bob, the fallen firefighter from the burning ship container. We also practiced piling into a life raft with survival suits on, and blinding each other with signal mirrors.
Tomorrow morning we transition from basic safety training to something more like discipleship training. And then three weeks from now we are off to Benin for two weeks of service (a street kids ministry and a prison) before we drive across the border to meet the ship in Togo. I know I will be challenged and grow during the next three weeks, and I am glad I am here, taking this time to focus and grow. Hopefully I will be better prepared to step through this door I have found in front of me. But for now, there are beautiful things here, waiting on God and finding him in myself and in the smiles and laughter of my new friends.
Peace and Blessings to you all. Thank you so much to all of those who are supporting me with gifts, prayers and encouragement; you are exactly what I asked for.